Orlando Makeup Artist - Production/Video/Print

ORLANDO ALE HOUSE SHOOT  :: Last week came full-circle for me. After getting my bachelors and 4 years of teaching… and diagnosed with depression… I had finally decided I had enough of doing what I thought I “should” do in life, and was going to do what I had always wanted to do since high school.. become a makeup artist. I had no idea where to start.. but I turned in my resignation and got a job as a server at the Orlando Ale House to support myself while transitioning to makeup. It was a somewhat long and bumpy road, with some dead-ends… but I eventually did it. And have been a full-time makeup artist for the last 10 years! And last week, after so many years of entrepreneurial dedication.. I was hired to do hair and makeup for…. an Orlando Ale House commercial. Pretty darn sweet if you ask me. #fullcircle #nevergiveuponyourdreams #orlandomakeupartist #orlandovideoproduction #bts

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